
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Consuliers For Sale!

The Consulier was a two-thousand-pound, turbo-Chrysler-four-powered attempt to build a truly modern sporting automobile. Warren Mosler, its designer, once famously offered $25,000 to anybody who could beat the Consulier around a racetrack with a street car. Depending on how you read the events that then transpired, he was either vindicated or soundly beaten.
Regardless, due to Mr. Mosler’s withdrawal from the car biz, there are now some Consuliers for sale.
The remaining Mosler stock was acquired by a company that also purchased Rossion. Your humble author has been threatened with a lawsuit in the past for publicly discussing his opinion of Rossion and his experience with various parties who may or may not have been involved in the manufacture and/or marketing and/or sale of the Rossion, so let me just say that I do not recommend the purchase of a Rossion, the operation of a Rossion, or even looking at pictures of a Rossion for more than a moment or two at a time. Motor Trend just produced a very glossy advertorial for the Rossion where they slowly focus on bits of trim and show 1080p video of the car “racing” around a track four feet away from the curbs, but I don’t recommend you watch that video.
I also cannot recommend that you contact the people who have the remaining Consulier stock, but what the heck — it isn’t like I can come to your house and stop you. They are really neat cars, regardless of the parties involved. If you buy a Consulier and you want to share your experience with TTAC’s readers, let me know.

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